The scammer Erik Bøckmann

As you can see on this page, Garderobemannen are scammers of the worst kind.

Erik Bøckmann owns this company.

When you charge for an item you do not deliver, you are a scammer in my book. This is what Erik Bøckmann has done with thousands of customers.

Erik Bøckmann has paid for wardrobes and then never delivered. When he then declares the company bankrupt and does not pay back 68 million kroner that people have prepaid for wardrobes they have ordered, well then it is nothing more than simple fraud Erik Bøckmann engages with Garderobemannen. Deception is another word that covers the scam of the Wardrobe Man.

After Erik Bøckmann’s company went bankrupt, he is rude enough to start up again – with the same domain name and pretends like nothing.

Everyone who has prepaid for the wardrobes they have ordered from Erik Bøckmann’s old company gets nothing, and the new company goes on like if they have done nothing wrong.

That Erik Bøckmann can afford to be so rude is a result of him exploiting a loophole in the Bankruptcy Act in Norway to his advantage.

Do not buy or sell anything from these scammers in Garderobemannen that Erik Bøckmann owns. If he has gotten away with fraud once, there is a high probability that they will try something like this again.

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